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Old 10-19-2003, 08:25 AM   #27
TrailManor Master
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Default Re:Gonna replace my Cherokee with a Tundra

[quote author=Windbreaker link=board=20;threadid=1436;start=msg10227#msg1022 7 date=1066538477]
Besides, walking and hiking and running are really good for the body. You really oughta get outta your truck and do more walking and less driving.
Guess what, I have started (slowly at first, but adding a little every week) I got a Trikke, they looked like fun and a good way to work most of the body. Of course nothing bets walking, but that is mostly boring around here. If I lived where there were trees, or hills, or mountains maybe I would do better. Summer is over so I have had to close the pool that means I have to take up that time doing something else, cross country sking? indoors in front of the TV maybe.

Cool! I am really glad to hear's one of the best decisions you've ever made! Just looked up Trikke (for the rest of you: looks like a fun device. Betcha you get lots of looks when you're out wheeling around on that contraption. And I also bet it helps you discover muscles you never even knew you had.

Oh and BTW, took a close look at the pic of your rig. Dang but that pickup is long first thought was that the front end and rear end are so far apart they probably are in different ZIP codes. But I'd also guess that you don't even know that 2720 is back there when you're going down the road.
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