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View Full Version : TM / Leave up Or Take Down

08-10-2003, 04:20 PM
I was wondering if you guys leave your TM up when not in use or down, we've been leaving ours up, is there an advantage to one way or the other?

Pam :-\

08-10-2003, 07:39 PM
I leave mine set up with all 4 stabilizers down, shore line plugged in, fridge running on 110v, windows open under the stone shields and the fan vent open under the maxi cover. I do not have interior storage availiable so the TM is set up on the west side of the house when it's not on a trip. Have not had any problems as a result of this with any of the 3 units I have owned. The local dealer keeps all of his new, used and rental TrailManor's open on his lot. BTW, he recommends that the TrailManor not be covered with a tarp type cover to prevent mildew and mold problems here in the muggy south.

08-11-2003, 07:56 AM
We leave ours set up, too, with no problems. Since we go camping almost every other weekend, I am in and out of the camper frequently .... cleaning, checking supplies, packing stuff for the next trip, etc.

Sometimes, during our stay-at-home weekends, it's nice to just open the door to the TM, look around, and say, "Boy, I love this camper!!" ;D

08-11-2003, 08:49 AM
Up here in the frozen north (or at least colder than Louisiana) when we're between trips during the season, we used to keep our unit open and in the driveway with shore power for the fridge. When our season is over, we place the unit in a pole barn after removing everything from the fridge and cleaning it out. While we leave ours closed up in storage, I don't think it would make any difference one way or another.

08-11-2003, 08:51 AM
Sometimes, during our stay-at-home weekends, it's nice to just open the door to the TM, look around, and say, "Boy, I love this camper!!"
I feel the same way!!! :)

08-11-2003, 05:21 PM
That's an interesting question for me, being as mine was obviously stored in the closed position for a very long time in a damp place, the front shell wood all rotted, but the rear shell was fine, but now they're all using the all aluminum tubing construction, so I'd have to say it really doesn't matter with the newer units. Anyone know anything on this?
