View Full Version : Tire protection during storage

07-20-2003, 03:21 PM
When the TM is off the road or in storage for a while, I understand it is a good idea to protect the tires. I think I have read that you are supposed to rub something into the sidewalls to keep them from drying out and cracking. So my question is, what does everyone use?

I went down to WalMart the other day, and there are 20 or 30 "magic" tire cleaners in spray cans, and some of them also call themselves "Protectants". I bought a can of Armor-All Tire Foam Protectant, and just used it. According to the directions, you just spray it on - it goes on as a white foam - and leave it. That's all. Like I said, Magic!

Now maybe I'm too skeptical, but this can says it is enough to do 40 tires, and it cost only about $3, and (I admit) it just seems too easy. Is this really what is needed?

Second question, and maybe a silly one. We are supposed to protect the sidewalls. I presume this means both the inner and the outer sidewalls?



07-23-2003, 10:58 AM
Any type of silicon spray will work well on tires to keep the "Harful UV Rays >:(" from drying out the side walls. Not a bad idea to spray both sides of the tires. What kind of ground/pavement are you parking it on. If black top, would recommend pulling onto small pieces of wood (plywood is great) to keep the tire tread off of the extra heat generated by the blacktop and sun.

Most tire protectants use very little spray to cover the tire. You can ( ;)) get quite a few applications from the can.
