Thread: Beware
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Old 12-15-2009, 06:22 AM   #5
Nature Recorder
Posts: n/a

I am the proud owner of an Elkmont since July and feel I should say spmething. I 'can say I have had no leak issues with my trailer. Living in the Portland area of Oregon we get our fair share of rainfall running from "gully washer" to light misting, from a few minutes duration to several days of constant pouring. On the heavy rains I will occasionally check the interior and have yet to find any rain induced issues.

You did not mention where these leaks were being witnessed. I have camped in some cool areas, high 30's low 40's, and have waken to small rivulets of condensation running down from the windows as it collects on their lower sills. I just wipe things down with paper towels as the coffee is brewing and the rivulets stop immediately. Or during a rain have left a vent partially open and the spray from the rain had found its way inside.
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