Thread: rear view
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Old 11-04-2002, 02:40 PM   #4
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Default Re: rear view

I second what Bill stated about your need for wide mirrors when towing your TrailManor!

You may feel that you can get by with your vehicle's regular side view mirrors, but, you're deceiving yourself. You may be setting yourself up for a sideswipe or rear end accident if you tow a considerable distance without towing mirrors. I have the McKesh mirrors but don't seem to be as swift as Bill - it takes me about 1 minute to install one on a side. Even with these McKesh towing mirrors that extend way out to the side, there are many times when I can only see the vehicle behind me with one of the mirrors. A car may be following so close behind my TM that I may see it only in my left mirror but not in the right one, or, vice versa depending on the curvature of the road. I could not see the vehicle at all with my truck's standard mirrors. As for seeing over the top of my TM, that's not possible in my case, and, probably not in yours. My TM's top-mounted air conditioner unit sits slightly higher than the top of my Ford pickup truck. My truck's side view mirrors, however, are approximately 2 feet lower than the top of the air conditioner. Therefore I can only see the sky directly behind the air conditioner in my mirrors.

If you're like most of us, there will be times when your attention to your driving and towing isn't at its best - such as in the afternoon right after lunch or when you're having a lively discussion with your mate. That's when you may need all the mechanical help that you can afford to keep you and your passengers from becoming a highway statistic. After all the money you've spent on your TM please don't skimp on your towing mirrors. The money you spend on them will be well spent and will help to keep you out of trouble.
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