Thread: Ransom ware
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Old 08-27-2017, 12:09 AM   #24
Join Date: May 2017
Location: Las Vegas
Posts: 6

I use COMODO protection and recovery. I also have the Geek on line. I do pay for this but anything worth having is worth paying for. I tried all the free stuff and decided I want get premium service. The Geek option is good because they can remotely fix any problems you have including setting up and installing software. It's a real time and sanity saver.

I also use a home cloud server which is also well worth the price. I like to have my own files where I know they are and not have some hacker steal whatever is in my files. Store unlimited, well up to 3 terabytes which for now is a ginormous storage. Of course I remember in around 1980 where Byte magazine said 64K was all anyone needed.

Don't like the way apple feels and works on a computer but love the phones and tablets. But all are computers and susceptible to hackers and viruses. It's just Apple lags behind windows pcs in number so its probably not worth the hackers effort to hack the system. Apple also has a real closed system whereas Winders is more open.
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