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Old 09-17-2012, 08:34 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by emeded View Post
Just got my TM two weeks ago and still fiddling with stuff around. I noticed lot of people are not big fans of the recirculating toilet that comes with the TM, and lot of them are keeping it for a "light" duty. However, I do have two kids, and would like to use our toilet exclusively, instead using whatever is available at camping site.
Now I have couple of questions about it.
- Can I throw TP in there (that hole looks very small) :-)
- If two adults, and two kids (7 & 4) use it constantly, how often do you think I would have to empty it before gets full, OR it starts to smell?
- Is it possible to dump the content in the tank (opening leveler on the bottom of the toilet), and charge it again for another couple of days? Is that holding tank big enough to handle two charges (I guess it would always hold only one charge. Once you empty first one, you release second one in the tank then dump it)?
- Did anybody ever have blockage, and how did you guys deal with it?
- Are there any good "nature friendly" type of chemicals that could be used and do work?


We will get the occasional slider that will not slide. I go outside and find a stick and help it along. It's nasty but it works. I have not taken out the flapper yet but I'm thinking of doing it soon. It's no fun playing with "mud".
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