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Old 09-06-2012, 09:24 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

Quick way to confirm what seems to be a damaged wire to the speaker.
With nothing connected use an ohm meter and test the wires by connecting the meter to each end of the wires. Usually the wires will either have a copper and a silver wire, or a white line on one side. Connect the similar ends to the meter leads and see if they show continuity. If not there is an open, though with the no sound when all wires are connected makes me think in terms of a short to ground. You can also connect to one end of the wire and the other meter lead to ground, if it shows continuity then you have a short.

No ohm meter-- use a length of wire to connect the speaker that is the problem, not using the suspect wire at all. I bet it will work fine. If not you may have the wiring wrong to the radio itself.

The wires go from the radio into the back of the fridge area, then up into the roof line and are under the molding along the ceiling and wall. IT IS A BEAST TO PUT BACK ON!!!
I am a lot better doing the tests than telling how to do it. Hope my babble makes some sense.
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