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Old 02-14-2012, 02:53 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Lesherp View Post
We bought a 7” Samsung Galaxy Tablet last summer so that we could be reached on the road. We may be the only couple left that don’t have a cell phone but never seemed to have needed one. Anyway my mother is “older” (I am in my 60”s) and we needed a way for family to reach us just in case.

This tablet has been great. It is a hot spot so we can use it to connect our computer to the internet. If we just want to look something up quickly we can just use the tab. The phone we can live without but the computer we can’t. I also figured out how to set it up so it can be used as a phone. Why not; I have used it a couple of times now. I had been looking for a GPS but never was able to find one people seemed to be pleased with. Well the tab has built in GPS that I use all the time around here for finding garage sales, and it works super. I have not done it yet but you can also store your music on it and listen like an I-pod. I can download books form my library or buy them and read them on the tab. It is also a camera. There are lost of great apps for it that I have found useful or just fun.

It is small enough to fit into a coat pocket, but the screen is large enough to be comfortable to use. I found a little carrying case that holds it and all accessories (AC and DC chargers etc.)

We got it through Verizon and pay $30 a month but believe it is worth it for us. We have never come close to using all the time we get. You get a large discount on the Tab when yo buy it with a plan. If you have WIFI available you can connect using it and not even use you plan time.

I just thought I would share this as it has met our needs so well and someone else might find it useful.
How is the screen size, we can see DW's net book fine but my daughter's droid is almost impossible for us to see text. We have been looking for something to fill the gap where we can't get WIFI or cell coverage. We were looking into Verizon but backed off when we found out there was no apparent way track your usage.
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