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Old 07-12-2010, 10:44 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

You sound like a kindred spirit Bluegrass! Admittedly though I am kicking myself for missing both the Stringdusters and Chocolate Drops (as well as Poor Mans Whiskey)...had every intention, but for whatever reason was pulled in different directions. A lot of people were buzzing about the Stringdusters as one of the best shows of the fest..which didn't surpise. Bela was actually kinda Meh... I will check the link you provided. You may want to check out Las Tortugas near Yosemite (though that is less blue grass, more Jam) I will drop you a line...unfortunately/fortunately I will be out on the Green River floating/fishing during your American Fork trip..we are just to the north of you..Ogden Valley.

For whatever reason I was having difficulties getting the grey tank to drain all the way...I must have been doing something wrong...I will research this, can't be that the lines ever get clogged? particularly a shower drain..we never used it in the short time we have had it, however, it could have been used extensively and plugged.
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