Thread: Beware
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Old 03-10-2010, 02:41 PM   #52
Posts: n/a

Been following this for a while now and understand the frustrations, but not the goal of posing threats on this site, As was mentioned earlier, TM unfortunately does not monitor this site so they will not see the comments. Still don't understand this part as I can't think of a better place to understand your market and the needs and wants of your customer.
The thing that amazes me is that TM currently enjoys a unique position in today's RV industry of maintaining prices and gaining marketshare and appears to be forgetting how it got here. If you search the forum for "ED" you will see pages of praises for his customer service. I think some of the issues are the result of trying to develop a product that is a departure from what you do best and is part of the learning curve not unlike Apple and the early iPhone. I am surprised that even with dealer involvement (their contractual representative) they felt they were not responsible. I think an appropriate next course of action would be to request a meeting with an RVIA representative at your dealer and have them take a position on the major safety complaints. I believe that would produce better results than a lawsuit or venting further here.
I think most members of the forum would prefer a slightly more robust and durable product, but understand that this is the trade off we make to have a lightweight easy towing TT that has many of the comforts larger/heavier trailers.
To leave on a high note, I guess you should be thankful you are not towing it with a Toyota Prius.
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