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Old 03-30-2003, 11:50 AM   #4
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Default Re: IMPORTANT! Check your nuts...(and bolts).

I'm not referring to the corner latches (that you can put locks through), but the black latch mechanisms at the ends of the swing arms.  When you set up you have to undo all the corner latches and then move to the middle of the trailer and release two more latches on each side.  They are black on my unit and have a rubber tip on the pull lever.  Each of these is held on (and adjusted) with two bolts.  When you close down each half of the trailer has to click into these latches to hold it closed in the middle.  If you go around and check/tighten each bolt you can see then you will also have covered it if this hasn't cleared it up. That's something I've added to my pre-trip checklist now.


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