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Old 09-03-2008, 08:59 AM   #8
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Default 15" Marathon tire pressure

My tires, and the sticker on my TM, say 65 PSI.

Grill-n-go, my wife did put out the triangles and even attempted to light the flares that are in our emergency kit. Apparently the matches in the kit are waterproof, but not breeze-proof. She never was able to get them lit.

A little more info that I forgot to mention in first note... The TM held up surprisingly well in the whole situation. The only permanent damage was to the "shroud" that covers half the tire, it is now missing a chunk. There was a surprising amount of tire shrapnel in the bathroom when we opened up. It got blown up between the shells during the incident. However, the heavy black plastic that lines the wheel-well did an excellent job of protecting the "innards" of the trailer. Thank goodness. Not what I was expecting after reading some of the horror stories posted here.
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