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Old 04-17-2008, 07:33 AM   #5
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Barrie, Ontario
Posts: 44
Wink Proud new owner update

We got our new 3124KS home yesterday. Had a few minor problems along the way. We camped at a local campground close to the dealer which was open all year with limited facilities. Same price -just limited facilities. I have no trailer towing experience so my worst nightmare was to get stuck on a deadend road. OF course this happened on the way to the campground from the dealer when our GPS in its wisdom lead us astray. With the help of a kindly homeowner in Ohio we managed to get turned around in the narrow space (to me) At the campground our first issue was getting the trailer off the hitch. Who knew you had to pull up and slide the hitch mechanism? Must have missed that in our introduction to the joys of towing. Next minor problem? We plugged in at the outlet and felt pretty good about things until we discovered we were not really plugged in. The outlets did not function. The electrical connection has three prongs but the campground outlets all had four openings. Managed to get plugged in properly and discovered you have to push on the breakers. No issues with setting up except things moved around a lot more than we thought. A dent in the new stove due to a sliding cupboard and a couple of loose screws on the drawer sliders. Rehitching was a small struggle as we tried to get the wheel off. Managed to get the car rehitched and the weight distribution bars on OK. No problems pulling the trailer just a little worry because the trailer is a little wider than the Highlander. We stopped on the way home to visit our friends and of course had to put up the trailer and take it down. They were amazed. Left to drive the final 100 miles home. We stopped a t local church- not to say a prayer but to use the empty parking lot to practice backing up. After about 4 attempts I felt much better. Managed to back up our Trailer into our driveway which is on a slope. Got it pretty straight too so the extra practice must have helped. It is now set up in our driveway temporarily awaiting our next adventure. Next time will be easier I hope.
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