Thread: Moderators
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Old 02-21-2008, 09:11 PM   #4
Goodyear Travels
Posts: n/a

I'd humbly suggest that everyone let go of their need to be right --- and to make someone else wrong. "Right" is something that is constantly in flux. I recognize, in myself, that today I might feel one way --- and tomorrow --- I might feel entirely different. This makes me less inclined to be attached to a particular position. I certainly hope that YOU are more important to me --- than being "right". You know --- just before we take our last breath in this life --- I can almost guarantee that none of us will say, "I wish that I had been right more often, or I wish that I had been able to convince others that I'm right". We're much more apt to say, "I wish I would have loved a little more completely, a little more unconditionally, a little more without the expectation of being crowned Most Right". My fellow TMer's --- I'd much rather listen to my heart --- than my head --- in these kind of matters. I hope you do, too ! Peace, Eric