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Old 07-09-2007, 07:14 AM   #4
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Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: Denver, CO
Posts: 20

As usual, great advice folks, thanks.

With regards to the connector, I bet Texas Camper is right, the "generic" connector is the 7 prong connector I need. It's a case of the dealer rep not quite knowing what will be installed by the service guy.

I found a guy at Lampert Hitch in Denver that will sell and install the Prodigy controller and Reese roundbar WDH for $688 out the door. If by some reason the "generic" connector isn't 7 prong, Lampert will take care of this as well.

With regards to the hitch bar, I thought I would have to buy a hitch bar at the right height for the TM, it's great news that the WDH can be adjusted for height.

As you can probably tell, I'm not exactly Macgyver when it comes to serious electrical and nuts-and-bolts work. As Dirty Harry said, "a man has to know his limitations".
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