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Old 07-15-2005, 08:53 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

It would be a surprise if you don't have one. Look on the front pannel of your sink, just above the doors. You should find an electronic thingy. It should have three rocker type switches. One is for your fresh water supply tank and give you an indication as to the amount of drinking water is left in the tank. Tthe second is to inform you of the amount of gray water in the gray water tank and informs you how full your gray water tank is. The third is for checking the amount of charge left in your battery. Your battery indicator may have four miniature lights. If your TM is hooked up to AC, the top light (green?) should be illuminated. Without your TM hooked up to AC, the second light from the top may be illuminated to inform you that your battery is charged. As you use your battery more, the third light may come on when you rock this switch,..... or the bottom light to indicate that your battery is low enough in charge that you are being warned.

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