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Old 12-22-2004, 07:38 AM   #10
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Default Add-ons make TM dog friendly

Originally Posted by B_and_D
Does Camping World carry this magazine? They have their fold up 9 x 12 patio mats on sale for $40 so am thinking about going over to San Martin to do some shopping.
You may get a better deal by shopping online at pet-supply websites. We call them "x-pen mats" and use them under our canopy at agility trials. I would warn you though that the larger mats are rather bulky - you may want to consider multiple smaller ones. I have found mats at Wally World that I think are about 4' x 6' and fold up into a nice little package (complete with carrying handles ) for $10.

Originally Posted by B_and_D
I'm also thinking about buying some of those step wrapping mats for the fold-out stairs.
That was one of the first things I bought for our TM. The "drain holes" on the steps are just the right size for dog toes to get caught in and a dog could suffer a real injury in the struggle to get free. The only problem is the covers are "fake grass" so you'd have the same difficulties getting them clean.

Originally Posted by B_and_D
We have used our door as a "dutch door" a couple of times, but not regularly. Usually we want the door completely open, or completely closed. If you had small children or pets it might be handy to use it that way, as you could get ventilation but keep them in.
When it's warm enough, we always use the dutch door to keep the dogs in and bugs out . We had a screen made based on photos I'd seen here - overlapping strips of screening - that works really well.
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