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Old 04-03-2023, 06:47 AM   #8
Join Date: Feb 2021
Posts: 41
Default Rewind the story

Originally Posted by Bill View Post
Not meaning to throw water on your project, but what do you think of this post?

I am about to go back to the hard-wired configuration.

Nice story and there is some truth to it. But lets rewind it. It is dark, raining and you have to put the cord back up. You first have to remove the bumper cover in order to wind up the cord into that small space. So you remove the cover and put it on the ground. Well... the wind took flight the cover and its now 2 camp sites down. After retrieving the broken pieces of the cover. You now are trying to hold the umbrella and pull and pushing the cord with one hand into that small compartment. Its cold outside too. So the cord is stiff which makes it harder to coil it up into that small bumper space. By now your DW is setting in the car wondering if you are ok cause its taking so long to put the cord up. She won't get out of the car cause its raining and she is soo sweet she will melt if she get wet. Now that the cord is in the bumper you manage to put the pieces of the cover back on. Oh then you notice the prongs on the plug have grass and mud from dragging it across the ground. It won't fit into the rat hole from all the debris.
Marine connection. Untwist the connection. Wipe the cord off while your coiling it up. Place it in the container in the back of the car. Get in the car and leave. Don't have to fight the cord. Don't have to mess with the bumper cover. And my cord is protected in my dry car. Not in a bumper that is still in the weather. And if your next stop is cold. That stiff cord will be and issue pulling it out of the bumper. Not my cord. Nice and warm/dry and can roll out easy.
But it is up to each individual preference as to what works for them and what they like to do. cheers.
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