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Old 04-16-2003, 10:33 AM   #5
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Default Re: Bed Support Issue?

I spoke with John at Dinuba regarding this and showed it to him. He felt that the teflon channel strip wasn't long enough and offered to replace them for me. We talked about options for making sure that it didn't happen again and decided that I would take a tube of clear silicone caulk and "fill" the end of the channel. John agreed that if I tried this and was not satisfied, he would then replace the channel strips. I pumped a good sized blob of the material in the end, and let it set up...a test of the solutions seems to have solved the problem for now. He gave me a set of strips just in case I decided that I wanted to replace them instead, but it seems to be working OK so far. I think that the glide bolt came out after we went over a fairly bumpy road and the bounce may have popped it out..that's one theory anyhow, and I still don't believe that it should have come out under those circumstances anyhow. But, I will live with it for a while.....still have almost 5 months of warranty left, so I can decide at my leisure. Not to mention that he knew that it was an issue while under warranty, so I doubt whether he would balk at replacing them if I decided to have him do that.

I normally pull the beds from outside, and I will just do a quick visual in the future before I pull them out.

Thanks for asking for an update, I had meant to post this earlier, but as like with all other things of aging...I forgot.

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