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Old 04-06-2016, 09:38 AM   #1
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Default Suggestions about new TM

Alright everyone, I need some advice and some knowledgeable people to just talk things through with. Sorry if I ramble or my thought process is all over the place.

We ordered a 2016 2720QB (first RV for us) in January knowing they were behind due to the factory move. Dealer told me about 6 month lead time and I was fine with that as we aren't in any big rush to get one, and we want one with the options we want (or don't want as you'll see in a sec).

Order is as follows:
2720QB, awning, swing hitch, LP quick connect on outside (thought it would be nice, anyone have any comments about it?), front window (since it is an option now), and the extra hanging cabinets.

We don't need A/C, or TV antennas, and don't mind cranking down jacks manually, we want a pretty "basic" unit.

After reading about aslag54's problems with his TM order and quality issues I began to worry about the direction TM is headed and if buying a new TM ~$30k is a good idea now or if the units coming out of Nebraska the first year or so are going to have issues down the road.

I've looked at used units and while they are rare here on the west coast (California) I'm beginning to wonder if it would be a better bet to find a used one that was built with the original team in TN. We are planning on keeping the TM a very long time (forever?) for all the reasons people buy TMs (don't want to pay for storing a large RV, can't fit a TT at our house, easy towing, etc). So I don't want to get a unit that is TOO old, and of course I want as many of the improvements TM has made over the years.

So here's what I'm hoping everyone here can help me with, giving me input to my questions below.

1) Reading this forum it seems like 2006 was a big design change away from wooden frames. Are there any particular years that have other big improvements, keeping in mind that we plan on keeping this for a very long time. (I don't really like the idea of buying a 9 year old RV if we are going to keep it for another 10-15 years).

2) One of the reasons we wanted a "basic" model (no A/C, TV antennas etc) was we didn't need/want them and it seems like just another thing that could break/leak. What are the risks of buying a used with these options if we aren't planning on using them? How likely are leaks around these things?

3) Any other wise words from all you helpful folks? I've seen a few 2009s and older but they almost always come with A/C, and all the other "extras" we don't want/need.

Thanks in advance!
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