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Old 01-19-2015, 11:42 AM   #8
Posts: n/a


Thank you for the reply. I consider myself pretty handy once armed with a source for parts and a little information. Have always serviced my own vehicles until recently where time is a bit if an issue, but I'd like to do most the work in the camper myself, if not all. The key reason for the camper is to be able to have low cost vacations with the family. We are a single income family so keeping costs low is key. One exception is reasonable aesthetic upgrades since the trailer is parked at my inlaws and I'd like it to not be an eyesore (which actually saves me money in the leg run because I won't have to pay for storage.
I would welcome your DIY wisdom.

Thank you


Originally Posted by Bill View Post
Z -

My first question is this. How "handy" do you consider yourself to be? Are you willing / able / anxious to do a lot of this yourself? You can. Or are you looking for a service place where you can simply drop off the trailer with a list, then write a check when it is all done?

Many of us are handy, and can offer all sorts of suggestions. But there is no stigma attached to the "drop it off and pay" approach, either.

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