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Old 03-01-2013, 07:58 PM   #8
TrailManor Master
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Centennial, Colorado
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In my mind, yes. We use the sink for brushing teeth and (myself) shaving. Sink is pretty low to keep the face close to it.

If it were up to me, I would have left the stove on the lower level, but they may have felt little kids would have had too-easy of access to the stove while in-use. Manufacturers have to weigh so many situations, they apparently felt the new configuration was better. Maybe due to plumbing, both water and gas. But, my under-sink cabinet has a shelf. This arrangement, with the sink lower, only has an open cabinet under the sink. The refrigerator, which used to be right of the sink/cabinet, is now under the stove. One less shelf to store things. Could not have put the stove over the 'fridge, though, I guess. While there is about 3" of open space above my 'fridge, it is likely not enough for the below-counter level of the stove parts.

As I said - they have their reasons for most of the changes.
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